502 Main

Our Office is soft and inviting, designed to make you feel right at home. With our local made crafts (Candles, Body Scrubs, Bath Bombs, Lip Balms, Art, and Best selling books) all by locals we call friends. We support our locals as they support us, so feel free to drop by and look at our selection, maybe booking a massage while you are here.

Harper is the face of the whole operation. A 8 year old over weight Cocker Spaniel with a mohawk and a personality that is changed with treats. He is a barker, until he gets to smell you or you feed him. Once you make friends he may try to hitch a ride to where ever you store the treat basket. But he is our sweet baby, who loves to fish and ride the boat as much as possible. feel free to stop by and make friends with him as well.

Our Massage room is dark, calming and very relaxing. Although we are on ground level, all of our windows have been privacy glassed with 3% reflective film, and has 2 layers of Privacy Blackout Curtains. Your privacy and security is our number one goal. Please do not hesitate to come by and tour our space, and get to know us as your and friends and neighbors.